Ep25: Amy Millard,CMO at VTS, Inc.

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This is a podcast episode titled, Ep25: Amy Millard,CMO at VTS, Inc.. The summary for this episode is: <p>&apos;&apos;We need data that inform better decisions,&apos;&apos; is Amy’s main focus when it comes to strategy. Companies that prioritize the alignment of sales and marketing strategies make better decisions to reach desired goals and outcomes.</p><p>In episode #25 of our Datavana Podcast, Amy Millard, CMO at VTS, Inc. discusses the evolution of marketing and the transformative role technology and data has played. The rise of tech has given us tools that empower sales and marketing, acquire more accurate data, and help businesses accomplish objectives efficiently. “Marketing today is a completely different job than it was three years ago. We were limited by our tools and as the technology has evolved, our dreams can evolve for what we can accomplish.”</p>


''We need data that inform better decisions,'' is Amy’s main focus when it comes to strategy. Companies that prioritize the alignment of sales and marketing strategies make better decisions to reach desired goals and outcomes.

In episode #25 of our Datavana Podcast, Amy Millard, CMO at VTS, Inc. discusses the evolution of marketing and the transformative role technology and data has played. The rise of tech has given us tools that empower sales and marketing, acquire more accurate data, and help businesses accomplish objectives efficiently. “Marketing today is a completely different job than it was three years ago. We were limited by our tools and as the technology has evolved, our dreams can evolve for what we can accomplish.”